Ukrainians began shooting a film about the war waged by Russia in Ukraine
The shooting of the movie about Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine started in the city of Irpin (the Kyiv region) on July 17, 2022. Source: Head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration Oleksii Kuleba The movie will consist of three parts and have a speaking title of “ZLO” (evil). “Together with the film crew, we walked...
The organizers of the 2022 World Games have raised $54,000 for the reconstruction of Ukraine
The organizers of the 2022 World Games decided to help Ukraine. They managed to raise a considerable sum for the reconstruction of the sports infrastructure, which was damaged or destroyed by the Russian invaders. Source: Sports Committee of Ukraine The organizers of the 2022 World Games have allocated 54,000 dollars for Ukraine to rebuild the...
Ukraine strengthens the border with Russia and Belarus, – State Border Guard Service of Ukraine
Russian troops have intensified shelling of the border areas, therefore all components of the security and defense sector of Ukraine strengthen these directions. Source: Spokesman of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine Andriy Demchenko “The enemy continues to shell the territory of Chernihiv and Sumy regions, this happens every day....
The commander of the Estonian Defense Forces met with the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces
An official visit to Ukraine was held by a delegation of the Defense Forces of the Republic of Estonia headed by Commander Martin Herem. Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Meeting his Estonian counterpart, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhnyi noted: “I appreciate the involvement and...
The UK is ready for war with Russia in the case of a threat to London or NATO countries
According to the commander of the British Air Force, Russia is the biggest threat to the security of Great Britain and Europe. Source: British Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike Wigston British warplanes and pilots are ready to fight if Russia’s armed forces pose a threat to Great Britain or its allies. Commander Mike Wigston said his pilots train...
Not only Putin is to blame for the atrocities of the war in Ukraine, but also the entire Russian people, – Chairman of the Sejm of Poland
The speaker of the Polish Seimas Elzbieta Witek is convinced that what is happening is not just “Putin’s war against Ukraine”, but the war of the Russian people against Ukraine. Source: Chairman of the Polish Sejm Elzbieta Witek According to Elzhbieta Witek, not only the leader of Russia and his associates are to blame for the...
Russia finances anti-Ukrainian actions in Israel, – Ukraine’s Ambassador to Israel
The Israeli public mostly supports Ukraine and opposes Russian aggression, despite the increasing number of cases of Russia’s financing of anti-Ukrainian demonstrations in Israel. Source: Ukraine’s Ambassador to Israel Yevhen Korniychuk “Russian aggression against Ukraine also extends to Israel. Recently, along with a noticeable...
1,346 bodies of civilians killed by the Russian troops have already been found in the Kyiv region
1,346 bodies of civilians who died at the hands of the invaders have already been identified in the Kyiv region. The number is not final. Source: The head of the Chief Department of the National Police in the Kyiv region Andrii Niebytov “As of today, there are 1,346 bodies of civilians killed.” Niebytov emphasized that most of them...
The UN has developed a program to help Ukraine prepare for winter, $226 million is needed for implementation
Ukraine urgently needs additional funds to prepare for the winter season. Source: The United Nations Currently, 15.7 million Ukrainians need humanitarian assistance, including 7.1 million internally displaced persons, who live both in private houses and in collective centers. “Many of these buildings are not adapted to protect against...
353 children have already died, and 662 have been injured as a result of the Russia’s war against Ukraine
As a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, 353 children died, and more than 662 were injured. Source: The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine “More than 1,015 children were injured in Ukraine as a result of the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation. As of the morning of July 17, 2022,...