Violent, aggressive Russia is no longer ‘strategic partner’ – European Parliament

European Parliament on the official website announces that Russia is no longer a strategic partner of the EU.


Members of European Parliament said that Russia violated democratic principles and EU had to critically re-assess its relations with the aggressor:

“The EU must critically re-assess its relations with Russia, which are profoundly damaged by Russia’s deliberate violation of democratic principles, fundamental values and international law with its violent action and destabilisation of its neighbours. The EU must now devise a soft-power contingency plan to counter Russia’s aggressive and divisive policies.”

The EP rapporteur, Gabrielius Landsbergis (EPP, LT) steered through Parliament the resolution that was passed by 494 votes to 135, with 69 abstentions. He said that relations between EU and Russia were put at a crossroads:

“With its aggression against Ukraine and annexation of Crimea, the Russian leadership has put our relations at a crossroads. Meanwhile we must send a strong message to the Russian leadership that we stand united with the victims of its aggression and those who stand for the values the EU is founded on,” added Gabrielius Landsbergis.

Parliament calls on the Commission to earmark adequate funding without delay for concrete projects to counter Russian propaganda and misinformation within the EU and abroad.

The resolution also condemns the “arbitrary” Russian blacklist banning 89 EU politicians and officials from its territory as an infringement of international law, a violation of universal standards and an impediment to transparency.

“This act is “counterproductive and detrimental to the already weak channels of communication”, those targeted should be informed of the motives and have the right to appeal before an independent court,” underlined Members of European Parliament.

European Parliament decides that cooperation between EU and Russia only to be resumed if Russia respects the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine:

“In the long run, a constructive and predictable relationship between the EU and Russia is desirable for their mutual benefit but stress that cooperation can only be resumed if Russia respects the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, including Crimea, implements the Minsk agreements in full and halts the destabilising military and security activities at the EU’s borders,” states European Parliament.

Besides, strategic and military situation in the Black Sea following the illegal annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, calls for responsible management by the EU, says the resolution. It calls for the continuation of deterrence as part of the strategic reassurance needed by the eastern members of both NATO and the EU:

“In a separate resolution, drawn up by Ioan Mircea Pascu (S&D, RO) and passed on Thursday, Parliament points to the complex strategic and military situation in the Black Sea and argues that EU sanctions on Russia should continue to be linked to implementation of the Minsk Agreements. The strategic reality in the Black Sea area, where Russia has launched a long-term militarization process, calls for responsible management by the EU, says the resolution. It calls for the continuation of deterrence as part of the strategic reassurance needed by the eastern members of both NATO and the EU.”

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