Civilians in the occupied territories of Ukraine continue to be killed and wounded – UNHR report on Ukraine

The 10th report by the United Nations Human Rights Monitoring Team (UNHR) in Ukraine is issued on June 01, 2015, by the UN Human Rights Office. It covers the period from February 16 to May 15, 2015 and proves serious human rights violations and abuses that persist in Eastern Ukraine.


UNHR report on Ukraine states that at least 6,417 people are killed in war in Eastern Ukraine:

“Between mid-April 2014 and 30 May 2015, at least 6,417* people, including at least 626 women and girls, have been documented as killed and 15,962* as wounded in the conflict zone of eastern Ukraine. This is a conservative estimate and the actual numbers could be considerably higher.”

Civilian people in so-called pro-Russian terrorists’ illegal republics have been deeply affected by shelling, executions, arbitrary and illegal detentions, torture, ill-treatment, human trafficking and the lack of justice and accountability, as well as deprivation of economic and social rights:

“Serious human rights abuses, intimidation and harassment of the local population perpetrated by the armed groups continued to be reported. The [monitoring mission] received new allegations of killings, torture and ill-treatment, as well as cases of illegal deprivation of liberty, forced labour, looting, ransom demands and extortion of money on the territories controlled by the armed groups,” the report states.

The report states that situation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea remains “worrying, characterized by human rights violations committed by the  de facto  authorities applying the laws of the Russian Federation”:

“Arrests, ill-treatment, torture and intimidation continue to be perpetrated against political opponents, primarily in the Crimean Tatar community, with the knowledge or participation of ‘law enforcement’ or affiliated groups. Legal safeguards for detainees are all but absent. The exercise of the rights to freedom of expression, assembly and religion is mostly limited to groups or individuals loyal to the  de facto  authorities. Administrative measures, including registration requirements, are used as control mechanisms and tools to prevent the spread of dissenting views.”

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