Press about Ukraine in Europe. MAY 13, 2015

Read more in Press about Ukraine in Europe:

Deutsche Welle (Germany) : NATO foreign ministers: Moscow ‘must stop’ destabilization of Ukraine

Financial Times (The United Kingdom) : Nato says Russia’s nuclear rhetoric irresponsible

The Guardian (The United Kingdom) : The Tribe: a signed story of sex and violence in a deaf school

BBC (The United Kingdom) : Ukraine hits back at ‘Facebook trolls’

InSerbia (Serbia) : Dacic: Serbia back all EU decisions except sanctions on Russia

NL Times (The Netherlands) : Dutch FM: Harsh words for Russia “breach of trust,” no talk of MH17

NL Times (The Netherlands) : Dutch FM: Harsh words for Russia “breach of trust,” no talk of MH17

The Guardian (The United Kingdom) : Nuclear waste stored in ‘shocking’ way 120 miles from Ukrainian front line

Polskie Radio dla Zagranicy (Poland) : Ukraine on the agenda as Foreign Minister Schetyna attends NATO summit

Charter97 (Belarus) : G7 countries to help Ukraine shake off Russian gas dependence

Reuters (The United Kingdom) : U.S., NATO say Russia must fully implement Ukraine ceasefire

Baltic News Network (Austria-Latvia) : Russia’s opposition: At least 220 Russian soldiers have fallen in war in Ukraine

Macedonian Information Agency (Macedonia) : U.S., NATO say Russia must fully implement Ukraine ceasefire

euro|topics (EU) : Nemtsov’s legacy exposes Putin | La Repubblica – Italy

The Baltic Course (Latvia) : Russian tourists in Palanga have been replaced by guests from neighbouring countries

Charter97 (Belarus) : Ukrainian MP: Ambassador Yezhel fled Belarus to Russia

EUobserver (EU) : [Opinion] ‘We reject Soviet-style parading of military might’

B92 (Serbia) : Kerry travels to Russia, has “frank discussions”

Novinite (Bulgaria) : NATO FMs to Meet in Turkey over Ukraine, IS

Euronews (France) : ‘Putin. War’: new report claims Russia heavily involved in east Ukraine conflict

The Guardian (The United Kingdom) : Ukraine’s refugees find solace in Poland, Europe’s most homogenous society

European Voice (EU) : Noise on the eastern front

BBC (The United Kingdom) : Republic of The Bridge

The Independent (The United Kingdom) : Russian and Ukrainian experts barred from attending psychotherapy conference in London

The Telegraph (The United Kingdom) : US ready to repeal sanctions on Russia, if Ukraine peace deal implemented

Express (The United Kingdom) : John Kerry has ‘frank’ meeting with Putin in first visit to Russia since Ukraine crisis


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