Press about Ukraine in Europe. APR 24, 2015

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Deutsche Welle (Germany) : Hollande urges progress on Minsk accord in one-on-one with Putin

European Voice (EU) : Miliband’s fighting words

The Parliament Magazine (EU) : Most read this week

EUobserver (EU) : [Ticker] Germany wants ‘flexibility’ on EU-Ukraine trade treaty

EUobserver (EU) : [Ticker] Poland to deny entry to Putinist biker club

The Local (France) : Putin calls on Hollande to mend ties to help trade

BBC (The United Kingdom) : VIDEO: Ukraine conflict: ‘There’s no ceasefire’

European Voice (EU) : Italian right lends a hand to pro-Russian separatists

Charter97 (Belarus) : Yatseniuk: Russia hasn’t given up plans to destroy Ukraine

ERR (Estonia) : Money and restlessness behind volunteers fighting in Ukraine

The Parliament Magazine (EU) : Most read this week

The Guardian (The United Kingdom) : Crowdfunding a war: Ukraine’s DIY drone-makers

The Guardian (The United Kingdom) : Ukraine’s future is in Europe – we have chosen our path | Petro Poroshenko

Reuters (The United Kingdom) : Russia should face more sanctions if it stokes Ukraine further: UK Labour’s Miliband

European Voice (EU) : No, Prime Minister

The Guardian (The United Kingdom) : Chernobyl arch faces €265m funding gap ahead of disaster’s 29th anniversary

The Guardian (The United Kingdom) : Containing Chernobyl’s deadly legacy

euro|topics (EU) : EU remains hostage to national interests | La Stampa – Italy

Prospect (The United Kingdom) : The roots of Islamic State

ERR (Estonia) : Money and restlessness behind volunteers fighting in Ukraine

The Budapest Times (Hungary) : Hungarian ice hockey fans take Krakow by storm

The Guardian (The United Kingdom) : Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 debris displayed for victims’ families – video

ERR (Estonia) : Following Estonia’s example, over half a million volunteers will clean up Ukraine, Greece, Baltics, Cyprus this weekend

The Baltic Course (Latvia) : German entrepreneurs anticipate good opportunities in Lithuania

European Voice (EU) : World war Obama

European Voice (EU) : POLITICO Brussels Playbook — Greek heat — Migration omnishambles — European Divides — Schulz readies to replace Merkel

The Guardian (The United Kingdom) : Dutch expert fired after showing MH17 victim photos in public lecture

Reuters (The United Kingdom) : Pentagon dismisses Moscow claim of U.S. troops in Ukraine combat zone

The Guardian (The United Kingdom) : Ed Miliband: small-minded isolationism has damaged British influence


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