Section: Main news

      Cabinet says know how to fund planned increase in social standards

      Cabinet says know how to fund planned increase in social standards

      The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine plans to compensate for the additional UAH 6.7 billion of state budget expenditures in connection with the move to raise social standards in 2016 by 16% instead of the planned 12% with an increase in tax revenues from the state gas producer Ukrgazvydobuvannya, the press service of the Finance Ministry...

      UN envoy calls on U.S., Russia to save Syria talks – BBC

      UN envoy calls on U.S., Russia to save Syria talks – BBC

      The UN envoy to Syria has urged the U.S. and Russia to intervene ”at the highest level” to save struggling peace talks, BBC News reports.Speaking after briefing the Security Council on the peace process, Staffan de Mistura said a partial truce agreed in February was ”barely alive,” according to BBC News.Violence in Syria has intensified in recent...

      Turkey forcing Russia to sell stake in NPP construction project

      Turkey forcing Russia to sell stake in NPP construction project

      Turkey is pushing Russia`s state nuclear corporation Rosatom to share its stake in the construction of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant (NPP), has reported Turkish business is ready to buy 49% of the shares at a low price. If Russia does not agree, the Turkish authorities say they will accelerate the construction of other nuclear power...

      Russia launches Soyuz rocket from Vostochny spaceport

      Russia launches Soyuz rocket from Vostochny spaceport

      A cluster of three space satellites – Lomonosov, Aist-2D, and SamSat-218 – in combination with the upper stage booster Volga has successfully separated from the third stage of the Soyuz-2.1a rocket, launched from the spaceport, the Russian space agency Roscosmos said on Thursday, according to Russian news agency TASS.”The satellites are now in...

      Foreign TV host Schuster can go back on air: Ukraine suspends employment ban

      Foreign TV host Schuster can go back on air: Ukraine suspends employment ban

      The State Employment Service has suspended the decision of the Kyiv city employment center to cancel a work permit for a citizen of Canada, a TV host of a political panel show Savik Shuster.The relevant decision was taken by the State Employment Service in response to Shuster`s written appeal, the press service said.It is noted that, by adopting...

      New oilfield discovered in Kharkiv region

      New oilfield discovered in Kharkiv region

      An industrial-scale non-gushing oil flow of 4.9 cubic meters a day has been revealed during exploration of the wells of the Olyvynivska structure, which is located on the territory of the Shevchenko district of Kharkiv region, the press service of Ukrgazvydobuvannia said.Oil deposits are reported at depths between 2,100 to 2,200 meters. According...

      Hollywood star Orlando Bloom visits Donbas

      Hollywood star Orlando Bloom visits Donbas

      A Hollywood actor and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Orlando Bloom has arrived in Ukraine, to visit one of the schools in Slavyansk Donetsk regionThe actor published some pictures from Slavyansk in his Instagram.Pupils of school No.13 in Slavyansk were happy to get Bloom`s autographs and make selfies with the actor.According to media reports, Orlando...

      Nearly 300 Azov troops deployed in Odesa ahead of May holidays (photos)

      Nearly 300 Azov troops deployed in Odesa ahead of May holidays (photos)

      At least 300 troops from Azov Regiment of the National Guard of Ukraine have arrived in Odesa from Mariupol.In particular, soldiers of the National Guard unit 3012 will remain in Odesa starting Wednesday, the Ukrainiska Pravda online newspaper reports.It is noted that they have light armored vehicles at their disposal.According to information of...

      Troops from Visegrad Four to be deployed on rotation to Baltics

      Troops from Visegrad Four to be deployed on rotation to Baltics

      The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, the four countries of the Visegr?d Four (V4), or Visegrad Group, have reached a political agreement to each send a unit of soldiers to the Baltics beginning in 2017 within the framework of measures aimed at increasing NATO`s presence in the region, according to attending a summit of...

      NYC law enforcers go on largest gang takedown in history

      NYC law enforcers go on largest gang takedown in history

      More than a hundred suspects have been charged in the Bronx in what is believed to be the largest gang takedown in New York City history, authorities said Wednesday, according to CBS News.Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton and other law enforcement officials announced the charges against 120 alleged members...