Section: News & Summaries

      Russia continues to provide lethal weapons, training, and command and control support to the separatists in Eastern  Ukraine – US Mission to the OSCE

      Russia continues to provide lethal weapons, training, and command and control support to the separatists in Eastern Ukraine – US Mission to the OSCE

      United States Mission to the OSCE published a report on April 30, 2015 in which was underlined the concern about violence in Eastern Ukraine, not seen since February. #OSCE UAVs document buildup of forces, incl. tanks, in #Russia-backed sep held areas – READ: — U.S. Mission to OSCE...

      Negotiating further strategic nuclear reductions with Russia defies common sense while Russia occupies Crimea, destabilizes Ukraine – U.S. Senator McCain

      Negotiating further strategic nuclear reductions with Russia defies common sense while Russia occupies Crimea, destabilizes Ukraine – U.S. Senator McCain

      U.S. Senator John McCain, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, released the following statement on Secretary of State John Kerry’s call for further strategic nuclear reductions with Russia, Apr 28, 2015: Sec Kerry's call for strategic nuclear reductions w/ #Russia would be a dangerously naïve nonstarter w/ US Senate:...

      The Russian Federation disregards the Budapest memorandum -US Secretary of State John Kerry

      The Russian Federation disregards the Budapest memorandum -US Secretary of State John Kerry

      The Press Center of the US Department of State informs that at the 2015 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has slammed Russia for its aggression toward Ukraine, and admits that the Russian Federation disregards the Budapest memorandum: “So let me briefly underscore one point here: In 1994,...

      Emerging stocks set for big gain

      Emerging equities were headed for their biggest monthly gain in more than three years in April. ||| London – Emerging equities were headed for their biggest monthly gain in more than three years in April thanks to a helping hand from Chinese shares, despite sliding for a second day on Thursday after disappointing US growth data. The MSCI...

      Global issues to harm tech firms

      Geopolitical tensions, currency swings and economic turmoil can all affect a global technology company’s bottom line. ||| Earnings season has just kicked off, and we’re already starting to get a pretty clear map of where in the world technology companies face the biggest problems. A global tech company’s financial performance is...

      Can the EU and the Eurasian Economic Union Be Friends?

      Can the EU and the Eurasian Economic Union Be Friends?

      Lack of cooperation between the European Union and the Kremlin-dominated Eurasian Economic Union reflects a widening divergence in their political and economic objectives. The new economic union between Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Belarus has faced challenges in its first months. The economic sanctions against Russia and the fall of the...

      Ukraine’s Volunteer Battalions Must Join the Military or Sheath the Sword

      Ukraine’s Volunteer Battalions Must Join the Military or Sheath the Sword

      The Ukrainian army faces growing criticism from within its ranks after humiliating defeats at Debaltseve and Ilovaisk in eastern Ukraine. When fighting broke out between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists, the Ukrainian military was weak and the state had to rely on volunteers. Of the fifty thousand Ukrainian troops in the field, 22...

      The West’s Strategy Toward Putin Promises Conflict and Increases Danger of Wider War

      The West’s Strategy Toward Putin Promises Conflict and Increases Danger of Wider War

      Ian Brzezinski: Our policy “conveys hesitancy and a lack of unity and determination. It has failed to convince Putin to reverse course. Indeed, it may have actually emboldened him.” The West’s current strategy toward Russian President Vladimir Putin’s aggression in Ukraine not only promises continued conflict in Ukraine but also poses...

      Donors pledge millions for Chernobyl cover

      International donors have agreed to pay an extra 180 million euros to fund a new cover for the disused Chernobyl nuclear power plant. ||| London – International donors agreed to pay an extra 180 million euros ($201 million) to fund a new cover for the disused Chernobyl nuclear power plant at a conference in London on Wednesday.“Chernobyl...

      The explosion of ammunition in Russian armored vehicles troops that were preparing for the invasion of Ukraine

      The explosion of ammunition in Russian armored vehicles troops that were preparing for the invasion of Ukraine

      In Rostov Region near the Ukrainian border at the exit of the vehicles from the field camp because of electrical short circuit happened fire inside the self-propelled artillery. The fire caused the detonation of the ammunition of Msta Up to thirty vehicles were burned or badly damaged by fire, according to preliminary data, on the proving ground...