Section: Energy
Court intervenes in gas dispute, says Polish utility – Deutsche Welle
Polish energy concern PGNiG says it`s won a European Court of Justice stay on high-volume gas deliveries by Russia`s Gazprom through the pipeline ”OPAL.” The conduit forwards supplies to the Czech Republic and Germany, according to Deutsche Welle. A European Commission decision in October to enlarge a previous 50-percent cap of Gazprom deliveries...
Court to consider Gazprom`s appeal on decision of Ukraine Anti-Monopoly Committee over UAH 172 bln fine January 18
Russian gas monopoly Gazprom has filed an appeal against the court`s decision granting the Anti-Monopoly Committee of Ukraine the right to impose a UAH 171.932 billion fine against the company for violations of the anti-trust legislation of Ukraine. The hearing is scheduled for January 18, according to the website of Kyiv Economic Court of...
Ukraine has almost 12.3 bcm of gas reserves left in storage
Natural gas reserves in Ukraine`s underground storage facilities (USFs) in the period from Dec 16 and Dec 24 dropped by 3.4%, or 436 million cubic meters – from 12.291 billion cubic meters down to 12.727 bcm, that`s according to the gas transport system operator Ukrtransgaz. According to the state-owned operator, on December 24, some 47.4 million...
Lithuania Court rules Gazprom to pay EUR 36 mln fine
Lithuanian Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) on Thursday ruled to impose the largest fine in the history of Lithuania, obliging Russian gas concern Gazprom to pay a EUR 35.651 million fine to Lithuania for Gazprom`s refusal to sign off the gas exchange deal with Lietuvos Energija Gamyba (LEG), according to BNS media outlet. Thus, the court...
Gazprom suggests exchanging letters of guarantee with Naftogaz instead of additional accords
Russian gas monopoly Gazprom has offered the National energy holding Naftogaz of Ukraine to exchange letters of guarantee, as well as to resolve the issues of prepayment for gas deliveries, said Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak, Prime business news agency reported. ”Gazprom is proposing Naftogaz an exchange of letters, which would answer...
Ex-deputy head of Naftogaz shoots himself as law enforcers try to arrest him
Former deputy head of Naftogaz of Ukraine energy holding, who had been in office at the time of Viktor Yanukovych presidency, Hennady Yuriev, has committed suicide in his home in Vinnytsia region, according to the press secretary of Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko. It is noted that today, December 21, military prosecutors have come to his house...
Ukraine investigates cyberattack on Kyiv power grid
Ukraine is investigating a suspected cyber attack on Kiev`s power grid at the weekend, the latest in a series of strikes on its energy and financial infrastructure, the head of the state-run power distributor said on Tuesday, according to Reuters. Vsevolod Kovalchuk, acting chief director of Ukrenergo, told Reuters that a power distribution...
Obama bans drilling in parts of the Atlantic, the Arctic
President Obama announced on Tuesday what he called a permanent ban on offshore oil and gas drilling along wide areas of the Arctic and the Atlantic Seaboard as he tried to nail down an environmental legacy that cannot quickly be reversed by Donald J. Trump, according to The New York Times. Mr. Obama invoked an obscure provision of a 1953 law,...
Naftogaz`s net profit increased by 109 times in 9 months, nearing $1 bln
Oil and gas giant NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine`s net profit skyrocketed by 109 times January-September 2016, to UAH 25.5 billion, or about US$960 million. Its net revenue from sales in the nine months of 2016 amounted to UAH 95.5 billion, which was 28.9% up year-over-year, the company said in the information disclosure system of the National...
Russian gas monopoly Gazprom may lose its biggest asset in Turkey
Russian gas monopoly Gazprom may lose its biggest asset in Turkey, according to the Russian media outlet Kommersant, citing sources familiar with the situation. Shares of Russian company and Gazprombank in Akfel Holding, the largest private importer of Russian gas to Turkey, were de facto nationalized on suspicion of having links with the...