Ukrainian prosecutors open criminal case against Russian investigators

The Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office has launched criminal proceedings against officials of the Russian Investigative Committee, reads a statement posted on the official website of the Prosecutor General’s Office.
“The Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office has opened criminal proceedings against officials of the Russian Investigative Committee due to crimes they committed under Article 258-3 (assistance to a terrorist organization), Article 343 (interference with the activity of a law enforcement officer) and Article 344 (interference with the activity of a statesman) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine,” reads the statement.
“It was established that in May and June 2014, the central office of the Russian Investigative Committee created a department to investigate crimes related to the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare. The purpose of this department, as can be seen from the official Web site of the institution, is bringing the Ukrainian military to justice for the crimes they allegedly committed against civilians,” reads the statement.
In particular, the Russian Investigative Committee opened a criminal case against Ukrainian servicewoman Savchenko for alleged complicity in the killing of Rossiya television channel journalists Kornelyuk and Voloshin.
In addition, the Russian Investigative Committee is holding criminal proceedings against unidentified members of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the National Guard of Ukraine and activists of the Right Sector public organization for alleged shelling of the cities of Sloviansk, Kramatorsk, Donetsk, Mariupol, and other areas in Donetsk and Luhansk regions and for the killing of innocent citizens.
Thus, by organizing unjustified criminal prosecution there is unlawful interference in the work of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
“In this regard, it can be stated that the establishment in the structure of the Russian Investigative Committee of a department to investigate crimes related to the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare, as well as the opening of these and other criminal cases by officials of the Russian Investigative Committee, is aimed at assisting the Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic terrorist organizations in their criminal activity, as well as preventing government representatives and public figures from the fulfillment of their duties,” the statement says.
According to the report, these criminal offenses encroach on the state’s interests, sovereignty and territorial integrity protected by international treaties and laws of Ukraine.

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