Yesterday evening, terrorists repeatedly fired on Ukrainian roadblocks and positions of the ATO forces.
The ATOPressCenter informed.
“The night before, uncontrolled armed groups fired on positions of Ukrainian troops in the vicinity of settlements of Frunze, Bohdanivka and Pisky. The most tense situation developed near Debaltseve,” a statement reads.
Also, according to the ATO Staff, militants fired more than once on our roadblocks in Maloorlivka, Popasna, on Hostra Mohyla, and stormed Nekishyne.
Currently, the positions of Ukrainian troops are under control of the ATO.
Near Mariupol, the ATO forces fully control the situation, ensuring the safety of residents of the seaside town. A strategic object -DonetskAirport- is also under control of the ATO, the press service reports.