Separatist forces effectively function as an extension of Russian military power – US Mission to the OSCE

United States Mission to the OSCE published in their report that pro-Russian separatist attacks and violence in Eastern Ukraine have escalated.

“Last week, we expressed concern over the escalating violence the Special Monitoring Mission observed in the areas around Shyrokyne and Donetsk. Since then, pro-Russian separatist attacks and violence have escalated, the security situation has deteriorated further, and the SMM has suspended patrols in several areas around Donetsk City.”

“SMM reports clearly demonstrate that Russia-backed separatists continue to launch attacks beyond the ceasefire line and use heavy artillery that should have been withdrawn in accordance with the February 12 Minsk Package of Measures. On May 2, one of the SMM’s armored vehicles was hit by small arms fire on its way to Shyrokyne. The same day, in Pisky, mortar shells impacted 100 meters from the SMM’s location. On another occasion, SMM monitors had to take cover in an underground shelter due to shelling. These incidents illustrate the threat to the safety of SMM personnel, and demonstrate the continued failure of Russia and the Russia-backed separatists to implement the Minsk agreements,” states the report.

“As we have said before, separatist forces effectively function as an extension of Russian military power,” reported US Mission to the OSCE, Ambassador Daniel B. Baer to the OSCE Permanent Council.

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