Putin: No Donbas settlement until Minsk II political provisions implemented

Russian President Vladimir Putin claims there will be no peace settlement in Donbas until the political provisions of Minsk II agreements have been implemented.

”They always claim that all this [the political provisions of the Minsk II agreements] cannot be done as fighting is still on in the conflict zone in Donbas. But on September 9, the `rebels` of Donbas unilaterally announced that they would not even respond to attacks from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. So what have we got?” Putin said at the eighth Russia Calling! Investment Forum organized by VTB Capital on Wednesday, October 12.

”They would always tell us then that certain action in the political sphere would follow. But nothing has been happening,” Putin said.

He also complained that Ukraine did not want to establish ”direct contacts” with fighters.

”If someone really wants these agreements to be implemented, an influence should be exerted on all the parties to the conflict, mainly the Kyiv authorities. I don`t see any obstacles. There won`t be any progress without the fulfilment of the political provisions,” the Russian president said.

”I have said a hundred times already that we cannot amend the [Ukrainian] Constitution, which is a key factor, instead of the incumbent authorities in Kyiv,” he said.

”We cannot implement the Donbas special status law, which has already been passed by the Rada, instead of the Kyiv authorities. It is not being implemented while the Minsk agreements stipulate it should be done within a short period of time,” he said.

”I cannot sign an amnesty bill, which was been adopted by the Rada, instead of the president of Ukraine. I cannot do that,” he added.

Earlier, French President Francois Hollande has recently announced that the non-fulfilment of the Minsk peace agreements on Donbas will create a frozen conflict in eastern Ukraine.

See also: Minsk agreements – an attempt to analyze approaches and intentions of the participants of the process

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