Merkel, Cameron to discuss situation in Ukraine

German Chancellor Angela Merkel will visit London on January 7 to discuss with British Prime Minister David Cameron the situation in Ukraine and the European economy.
The spokespersons of the two leaders reported this on January 2, according to BBC Ukrainian.
“Federal Chancellor Merkel will speak on bilateral, European political and international questions with Prime Minister Cameron,” German government spokesman Georg Streiter said.
The positions by Merkel and Cameron on the crisis in Ukraine are similar. Germany and the United Kingdom were among the biggest critics of the Russian annexation of Crimea and support for Donbas separatists by the regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Merkel is also trying to prevent the UK’s quitting the EU. Cameron’s party in its campaign program promises to hold a referendum on Britain’s withdrawal from the EU.
The sides may also discuss preparations for the next G7 summit to be held in June in the Bavarian Alps.

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