IMF mission to arrive in Ukraine next week

The IMF mission will visit Ukraine to meet with the authorities on November 11-25, Radio Liberty has reported.
The IMF mission led by Nikolay Gueorguiev will work in Kyiv in the period from November 11 to 25, according to a statement issued by IMF Resident Representative in Ukraine Jerome Vacher.
“The mission will discuss with the authorities the current economic situation, progress under the program, and their policies to maintain macroeconomic and financial stability and revive growth,” reads the statement.
The statement notes that discussions will continue after the new government is formed.
On April 30, 2014, the IMF approved a two-year loan program for Ukraine totaling more than $16.5 billion. In early May, Ukraine received the first tranche of about $3.2 billion. The second tranche was allocated in early September, and the issue of combining the third and fourth tranches of the loan is being considered.

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