Actions in the memory of the tortured Ukrainians in Bucha took place in European capitals: photo-report

Mass actions in memory of the residents of Bucha brutally killed by Russian soldiers took place in Berlin, Warsaw, Vilnius and Tbilisi on Wednesday, April 6.

Protesters lay on the ground with their hands tied behind their backs, symbolically showing their position and drawing the authorities’ attention to the atrocities committed by the Russians in Bucha while the city was under occupation.

An action against the murder of Ukrainians “Who will be the next?” Took place in the center of Tbilisi. The bodies of Buchans were found in such poses after Russian troops left the city.

Protesters in Berlin also demanded an embargo on Russian oil, gas and coal imports.



Protest in Warsaw, the capital of Poland

Action in Vilnius took place near the German Embassy


Protests also took place in the capital of Austria, Vienna




See also: Bucha massacre: evidences of Russians war crimes in Kyiv region (30 photos and videos 18+)


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