15 years of terror. A time-lapse map of all big terrorist attacks in 2000-2015 (Video)

A time-lapse of all terrorist attacks with MORE than 20 fatalities between 1.12.2000 and 13.11.2015

Video by Milan R. Vuckovic

START terrorism database “GTD” (2000-2014)
Various News Agencies (2015)

Important Note by Author: due to the large amount of data used, there are likely to be mistakes (exact chronology, location, casualties etc.). This video should serve as an approximation. (Especcially in the messy parts.)
Typical error would be: GTD had sometimes the “at least” casualties in the database. Istanbul Bombings of 2003 are not present on the map because of this. I also used different definitions of terrorism regarding the area and time of attacks.


Also see Global Terrorism Index 2015:

Global terrorism index 2015

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Infographics by worldonline.com


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