National Security and Defense Council:Russia-backed militants deceive observers, imitating heavy weapons withdrawal

Kyiv, March 1, 2015. Pro-Russian insurgents conduct military manoeuvres in order to deceive the OSCE monitors. They move their military equipment to the rear in the daylight and then return it closer to the contact line in the night. There are signs that insurgents prepare to continue offensive at the Mariupol, Artemivsk and Luhansk directions.

Map of ATO 01-03-15

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The relative ceasefire was upheld in the ATO zone over the last night. However, the militants attacked Ukrainian positions 34 times along the whole contact line. Ukrainian Armed Forces did not suffer any fatal military casualties, eight servicemen got wounded.

Ukrainian forces deactivated 38 explosives, mainly mines and grenades, over the last day. National Guard of Ukraine units uncovered a storage with 102 mines on the Transnistria part of the Ukraine-Moldova border. All explosives were immediately destroyed.


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Infotmation-Analytics Center of National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine - official source Anti Terrorist Operation information.
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