Section: News & Summaries

      People of Mariupol are against the withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from Shyrokyne

      People of Mariupol are against the withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from Shyrokyne

      Residents of the Ukrainian city of Mariupol are against the withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from the village of Shyrokyne. This weekend they gathered for the rally to support Ukrainian troops, and called against the demilitarization of Shyrokyne but for demilitarization of so-called illegal terroristic republics as “DNR” and...

      No War, No Peace—But Always a Place at the Table for Russia

      No War, No Peace—But Always a Place at the Table for Russia

      Russia’s track record in the long-simmering conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan is consistent with Russian efforts in Moldova, Georgia, and Ukraine, and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s calls for a Novorossiya: No war, no peace—but always a place at the table for Russia. …read more Source: Atlantic...

      Lithuania detains suspected Russian spy

      Lithuania has detained a Russian citizen suspected of spying, a move that will further strain already poor relations between the ex-Soviet Baltic republic and Moscow. ||| Vilnius – Lithuania has detained a Russian citizen suspected of spying, the prosecutor-general’s office said on Monday, a move that will further strain already poor...

      Norway keeps door open for Russia

      NATO-member Norway is keeping some military channels open to Russia even as it braces for more bad surprises after Moscow annexed part of Ukraine last year. ||| Oslo – NATO-member Norway is keeping some military channels open to its neighbour Russia even as it braces for more bad surprises after Moscow annexed part of Ukraine last year,...

      Ukraine Debt Deal Could Spark Chain Reaction

      Ukraine Debt Deal Could Spark Chain Reaction

      Ukraine’s economy is in crisis. Experts warn that the country’s gross domestic product could shrink by 6 to 12 percent and inflation could exceed 40 percent in 2015, although one prominent economist put that figure in triple digits already. The war in eastern Ukraine has throttled the country’s industrial capacity. To prevent...

      Rain rescues wheat crops in Kansas

      Wet weather in April revived crop prospects across Kansas – the biggest wheat producer in the United States. ||| Chicago – David Schemm isn’t complaining that a deluge last month made soils too wet to plant corn because his 4 500 acres of wheat in west-central Kansas will probably be the best crop in four years.“There were...

      Russia’s aggression against Ukraine to be a hot topic at NATO Parliamentary Assembly Spring Session in Budapest

      Russia’s aggression against Ukraine to be a hot topic at NATO Parliamentary Assembly Spring Session in Budapest

      The  delegates of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Spring Session in Budapest on 15-18 May 2015 to consider reports dedicated to the problem of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, hybrid warfare and countering propaganda attacks  by the Russian Federation against the Euro-Atlantic community. The draft Report by Witold WASZCZYKOWSKI...

      A column of Russian tanks, armored vehicles and rocket systems entered the Lugansk, Ukraine. Full video.

      A column of Russian tanks, armored vehicles and rocket systems entered the Lugansk, Ukraine. Full video.

      According to the Minsk agreements entire heavy artillery and multiple launch rocket systems should be withdrawn to 40 km from the boundary line. Lugansk less than 20 km from the boundary...

      To preserve Ukraine’s independence in resisting Russian aggression US approves $200 million for Ukrainian Army- H.R. 1735—FY16 National Defense Authorization Bill

      To preserve Ukraine’s independence in resisting Russian aggression US approves $200 million for Ukrainian Army- H.R. 1735—FY16 National Defense Authorization Bill

      The US House Armed Services Committee passed its proposal for the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and approved $200 million on weapons and training for Ukrainian forces to “provide military training and assistance to Ukraine to allow it to better defend itself and increase the costs to Russia for engaging in such aggressive...

      IMF mission for the first review in Ukraine to start its work on May 12, 2015

      IMF mission for the first review in Ukraine to start its work on May 12, 2015

      Gerry Rice, the Director of the IMF’s Communications Department, said about the conditions in Ukraine in his Press Briefing on Thursday, April 30, 2015: Gerry Rice told that the mission for the first review would last a couple of weeks and would start in the middle of the May, 2015: “On Ukraine, I can tell you that yes the mission for the...