Ukraine’s international reserves increased by $2.2 billion (17%) – the National Bank

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) suggests that as of 1 January 2017, Ukraine’s international reserves amounted to the equivalent of USD 15.539 billion.
For today the amount of Ukraine’s international reserves is sufficient to cover 3.7 months of future imports and enable the Government and the NBU to settle their foreign debt obligations and current operations, states NBU.

“Overall, Ukraine’s international reserves increased by USD 2.2 billion or by 17%, “ the NBU reports.

In December, USD 607.9 million raised by the Government, including USD 550.4 million in proceeds from the placement of US dollar-denominated domestic sovereign bonds and EUR 55.1 million from the European Commission, also contributed to the increase in international reserves.

At the same time, funds from international reserves were used for the repayment and servicing of public and publicly guaranteed debt denominated in foreign exchange in the amount of USD 140.9 million, including USD 119.8 million in principal and interest payments on USD dollar-denominated domestic sovereign bonds.

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