Ukraine approves rules of organic livestock production

Ukraine`s Cabinet of Ministers has approved rules of organic livestock production, which regulate the technological process of organic farming, including requirements for raising animals, the use of fodder, prevention and treatment of diseases, etc., according to a posting on the government`s website referring to corresponding resolution No. 241 of March 30, 2016.
”The adoption of detailed rules will help boost production, saturate the domestic market with high-quality food, deepen integration of the Ukrainian farm produce into the EU market and global markets as a whole,” a statement reads.
As UaPosition reported earlier, the Ukrainian government also approved the rules of production of organic honey and beekeeping products, covering such issues as placement of hives, technology of feeding bees and other related aspects (Resolution No. 208 of March 23, 2016).
The agrarian ministry plans to increase the share of organic products up to 3% of total agricultural production in Ukraine by 2020. Ukraine seeks to develop its export potential with regard to organic products, which are not subject to EU quotas in the framework of a free trade area between Ukraine and the EU.
The number of operators of the Ukrainian organic market, certified by Ukraine`s only organic certification agency, Organic Standard, doubled last year to 200 enterprises.

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