The USA will provide almost 90 million dollars for demining of Ukraine

US Department of State on August 9, 2022, approved the allocation of 89 million dollars for the training of sappers who will demine Ukraine.

Source: US Department of State 

“On August 9 the Department announced its intention to provide $89 million of FY 2022 funding to help the Government of Ukraine address the urgent humanitarian challenges posed by explosive remnants of war created by Russia’s brutal war of aggression.”

According to the US Department of State, these explosive hazards block access to fertile farmland, delay reconstruction efforts, prevent displaced communities from returning to their homes, and continue to kill and maim innocent Ukrainian civilians.

The Government of Ukraine estimates that 160,000 square kilometers of its land may be contaminated – this is roughly the size of Virginia, Maryland, and Connecticut combined.

“US funding will deploy approximately 100 demining teams and will support a large-scale train and equip project to strengthen the Government of Ukraine’s demining and explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) capacity.”

See also: The Russians put mines in stores and on children’s playgrounds in the south of Ukraine: photo

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