Several thousand dolphins have died in the Black Sea due to Russian aggression, – Ukrainian biologist

Several thousand dolphins have died in the Black Sea since the start of a full-scale Russian war against Ukraine.

Source: Ukrainian biologist Ivan Rusev 

Biologist Ivan Rusev reports about the death of at least 3,000 mammals.

“A survey of only a small area of the sandy embankment of the Black Sea coast in the “Tuzly Estuaries National Nature Park” showed the presence of dead dolphins,” the biologist said.

There are many dead dolphins in the “Tuzly Estuaries National Nature Park”, but because of the war, it is not possible to survey all the territories. So it is likely that there are many more dead animals.

“Powerful sonar and explosions destroy the delicate navigation system of animals and such dolphins starve to death,” explains the biologist.

According to the biologist, dolphins do not have the opportunity to catch fish. Therefore, due to the weakening of the body, infectious diseases are activated and they die.

Rusev said that the consequences of the war were observed even in Bulgaria. At the mouth of the Ropotamo River, several powerless dolphins were found, who could not navigate in water space. Some of the animals had burns from bomb blasts or mines.

He also asked everyone who cares: to provide any information about the dead dolphins you see on the beach.

See also: Russian invaders torture and kill animals: photos and video 18+

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