Russians use probited chemical weapons against the Ukrainian army

The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine noted on November 14, 2022, on Facebook that  Russian troops used prohibited chemical weapons – K-51 aerosol grenades against Ukrainian military.

Source: The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

“Russian troops dropped several such grenades from a drone on positions of Ukrainian defenders in the Donetsk region (east of Ukraine). One of them did not explode, you can see it in the photo,” noted the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

K-51 hand grenade

The border guards of Ukraine were forced to hold their positions in chemical protection equipment for some time in order to protect themselves from the strong irritating effect of prohibited ammunition after the explosions.

According to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Ukrainian troops continue to oppose the treacherous Russian military even in such conditions.

Uaposition memo: K-51 was developed in the late 1970s in the USSR. These gas grenades were actively used by Russian forces during the battles for the Donetsk airport in 2015. This type of grenade is prohibited by the Chemical Weapons Convention (Article 1.5) and the Geneva Protocol of 1925.

See also: Russian troops made 16 strikes on the Donetsk region using prohibited projectiles: photos

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