“Russian peacekeepers” to be prepared by September?

The fears of U.S. and NATO military officials on the possible brining by Russia of peacekeepers to Donbas and Luhansk region to “protect humanitarian convoys” are yet unfounded – the “peacekeeping battalions” are not fully prepared to such actions, and there are no relevant international decisions for that.
The Russian Nezavisimaya Gazeta wrote citing a source with the Russian Defence Ministry.
“At the moment almost all the units of the “blue helmets” are being supplemented by contract soldiers, combat coordination is underway. Moreover the battalions are being actively retrofitted with modern weapons. This process should be completed by September 2014,” a Russian military official said.
The Defence Ministry source refused to link the exercise of the “peacekeeping forces” aviation and troops of the 15th Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade of the “peacekeeping forces” near Samara to Moscow’s proposal to send to the south-east of Ukraine the convoys with Russian humanitarian aid under the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross. However, he drew attention to the words of Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, who on Wednesday was watching these exercises. “With regard to the strategic objectives, as they say, the Russian peacekeeping forces should be in constant readiness to perform assigned tasks. The world has changed, it has changed dramatically. As we know from past examples, including related to this brigade, the peacekeeping units can be demand unexpectedly” Shoigu then said.
The so-called “Russian MC” (Peacekeeping Forces) include not only the units of the 15th Samara Brigade of, but the “blue helmets” of the compounds of the Airborne Force and Marine Corps of the Navy.

08.08.2014 12:16

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