Russia hit Ukrainian children in Mariupol with bomb on purpose – Maxar Technologies satellite images

A space technology company Maxar Technologies has provided digital proofs that the Russian Federation invades Ukraine, intentionally attacks peaceful cities, and drops bombs on civilian shelters.

Ukrainian Mariupol theater with children inside was bombed by Russia

PHOTO by Maxar Technologies

Near the Drama Theater in the center of the Ukrainian city Mariupol, as for now destroyed by Russian, in large letters visible from the sky, paint on the asphalt was written «Children».

UaPosition underlines, that this is evidenced by satellite images from Maxar Technologies made on Monday, March 14, 2022, before Russia threw a bomb on the shelter with civilians.

In two days Russia drops a bomb on this shelter with peaceful people with children and destroys it totally. Additionally, there are no military objects around.

PHOTO by Mariupol’s city council, verified by the BBC

“Russian forces deliberately and cynically destroyed” the theatre, a plane dropped a bomb on a building where hundreds of peaceful Mariupol residents were hiding”. – reports Mariupol’s city council

On March 16, 2022, the Russian Federation hit with a bomb the drama theater with near 1000-2000 civilians inside, including children, in the Ukrainian city Mariupol. People are buried under the destroyed building

“The bomb strike demolished the central part of the theater building, causing large numbers of people to be buried under the debris. The assessment of the exact number of persons affected is currently impossible due to ongoing shelling. By delivering a purposeful bomb attack to the place of mass gathering of civilians Russia has committed another war crime.” – says a statement from Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry

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