Russia has not given up plan to occupy all of Ukraine, – Ukrainian President

Russian President Putin has not given up his intention to seize the entire Ukraine, even though he constantly changes messages about plans for war with Ukraine.

Source: The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy

“They did not give up their attempts (to seize Kyiv – ed.). We pushed them out and they left. But I believe that, in general, within their state and within their military-political plans, they have not given up the occupation of our state for many years. They have always occupied our country – first politically, then it was Crimea, then Donbas, then a full-scale invasion. Therefore, Russia’s plans include a change of political leadership and the occupation of all of Ukraine. We are absolutely sure of this.”

When asked if Putin had allegedly achieved one of his main goals by seizing Luhansk Oblast, President Zelenskyy answered that he did not believe the Kremlin’s public statements as Russia is constantly changing its rhetoric.

“At first they claimed that they are not in Crimea, then they admitted the opposite. Then they said that they are not in the east, then they again admitted their presence. Then they said that it had been just military training near the borders of Ukraine and there would be no invasion, but it turned out differently again.”

See also: Russia’s place is in the UN International Court of Justice, not at international forums, – Foreign Minister of Ukraine

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