Matilda Bogner, Head of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine noted on September 27, 2022, that Ukraine gave UN representatives access to Russian prisoners of war without any obstacles.
Source: Matilda Bogner, Head of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (HRMMU)
The UN mission has not yet received access to the places of detention of Ukrainian prisoners of war by Russia.
“While during the reporting period, HRMMU enjoyed unimpeded access to places of internment for prisoners of war in territory controlled by the Government of Ukraine, it was not granted confidential access to any place of internment for prisoners of war in the Russian Federation or territory controlled by Russian armed forces and affiliated armed groups.”
Matilda Bogner added that the information received by the Mission indicates that there were serious health and safety risks for Ukrainian defenders held in Russian captivity.
“Such mistreatment of Ukrainian prisoners of war appears to be systematic, not only upon their capture, but also following their transfer to places of internment both in the territory of Ukraine occupied by the Russian Federation and in the Russian Federation itself. This is a grave violation of international humanitarian law and the Russian Federation must address it.”
See also: Russia may mobilize Ukrainian prisoners of war, – ISW