Polish President signed a decree imposing embargo on coal imports from Russia and Belarus

Polish President has signed a law that imposes an embargo on coal imports from Russia and the possibility of freezing the assets of Russian citizens and companies in support of aggression against Ukraine.

Source: Polish President Andrzej Duda

The law prohibits the import and transit to Poland of thermal or coking coal from the Russian Federation and Belarus. The head of the National Fiscal Administration is in charge of monitoring the implementation of this ban.

Violators of the ban will face confiscation of goods and a fine of up to PLN 20 million ($ 4.5 million).

Entities affected by this ban will be compensated for the losses they suffer as a result of the sanctions imposed.

In addition, the law prohibits the use of symbols and names that support the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Violation of this prohibition may result in a fine or imprisonment up to two years.

The law enters into force on the day following its publication.

See also: Poland approved new rules for Ukrainian refugees

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