Oschadbank seeks to recover $100 mln from Firtash`s company

PJSC State Savings Bank of Ukraine Oschadbank intends to file suit to recover over $100 million in debt from the country`s largest producer of mineral fertilizers Stirol, which is part of Ostchem Holding owned by Ukrainian businessman Dmytro Firtash, according to a document published in the Unified State Register of Court Decisions.
According to the document, in December 2015, the state bank appealed to the Commercial Court of Donetsk region with a claim to recover the company`s debt under the credit line contract dated 2011 in the total amount of about $7 million. In March, Oschadbank increased the amount of its claims to $103.879 million (of which $95.8 million are arrears and $8.1 million – interest under the loan) and submitted the relevant application to the court. Additionally, UAH 3 million is to be recovered.
After examination of the case files, the court appointed a judicial and economic evaluation to verify the amount of the bank`s claims.
As UaPosition reported earlier, Oschadbank filed a lawsuit against the Russian Federation seeking to recover losses to the tune of UAH 15 billion, incurred in connection with the Crimean annexation.
Ostchem Holding unites chemical industry companies owned by Group DF. The founder and owner of Group DF is Dmytro Firtash. According to media reports, Dmytro Firtash`s business group controls more than 70% of all Ukrainian regional gas companies, as well as more than half of the Ukrainian chemical industry.

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