Oettinger says what could happen to Ukraine

EU Commissioner for Energy Guenther Oettinger severely criticized the policy of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Ukrainian crisis.
Oettinger said this at one of the events in Brussels, Tuesday, September 2, Deutsche Welle reports.
“The fact that Putin is acting through its false reports, lies and weapons, was beyond my imagination. That’ why I do not rule out even the worst scenarios,” the Commissioner said.
One of these scenarios, according to Oettinger, may be offensive of terrorists and Russian soldiers in the city of Mariupol, followed by the creation of the “Russian corridor” until Crimea and Moldovan Transniestria. “In this case, Ukraine would find itself cut off from the Black Sea,” the Commissioner said.
As to the increase of security of gas supply, in addition to the EU, involved in the process should be also Ukraine, Moldova and the Balkan countries, the official said.
He also believes that the crisis in Eastern Ukraine should be used as a chance to improve cohesion within the European Union.

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