The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations Organization has named Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Serbia as the most promising markets for Ukrainian exporters, according to economist from the FAO Investment Centre Dmytro Prykhodko.
”First of all, it is a group of the countries that import food products not included in basic commodities. It means these are countries that import value-added food products, they are Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Serbia, and others,” Prykhodko said at a business forum.
Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, and Uzbekistan are also among potential importers of Ukrainian basic farm produce, namely cereals and vegetable oils, according to Prykhodko.
He also announced a forecast by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development prepared jointly with the FAO, according to which demand for meat in the next ten years will grow by 56% in sub-Saharan Africa, and by 29% in Asia as compared to current consumption levels. Vietnam and Indonesia alone are projected to increase meat imports during this period by two and one million tonnes, respectively.
Consumption of cheese in South Africa is projected to grow by 49% and by 41% in Asia. In particular, China will increase cheese imports by 100,000 tonnes in the mentioned period, which is two times higher than the Ukrainian export of these products to Russia before the introduction of restrictions in the bilateral trade.
As UaPosition reported earlier, Andriy Dykun, the head of the Ukrainian Agrarian Council, forecasts that Ukrainian dairy producers will be able to compensate for the loss of the Russian market and take full advantage of new export opportunities not earlier than in 5-10 years.
As part of a government policy on diversifying foreign markets, Ukrainian producers received permits last year to export eggs to Israel, poultry to Egypt and Saudi Arabia, dairy foods to China and the EU. In addition, companies producing meat and dairy products were also granted access to the markets of Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, and Uzbekistan.