Croatia will help diversify fuel supplies to Ukraine, – Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine

The Ministry of Energy of Ukraine has agreed with the Croatian side on cooperation in diversifying fuel supplies to Ukraine.

Source: Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine Mykola Kolisnyk

It is noted that such agreements were reached during the working visit of Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine Mykola Kolisnyk to Croatia.

“Diversification of sources and routes of the fuel supply is a guarantee of the country’s independence and a guarantee of obtaining a strategically important resource of alternative origin from various manufacturers. We have support in this matter from our Croatian colleagues,” Kolisnik said.

“Issues of strengthening energy security, cooperation in ensuring the proper functioning of the Ukrainian energy sector during the war, as well as the possibility of gas transit from the Croatian LNG terminal were also discussed at the meeting.”

During the visit, the Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine met, in particular with the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Croatia, Ivo Milatić, the Chairman of the Board of Jadranski naftovod (JANAF) Stepan Adanić and the Chairman of INA Sandor Fasimon.

Uaposition memo: JANAF and INA –  leading Croatian oil companies.

See also: Croatia offers Adriatic ports for transport of Ukrainian grain

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