Ukraine`s gas stocks shrink to 8.7 bcm

Natural gas reserves in Ukraine`s underground storage facilities (USFs) decreased by 389 million cubic meters (mcm), or 4.3%, to 8.721 billion cubic meters (bcm) between March 19 and March 26, according to PJSC Ukrtransgaz, the operator of Ukraine`s gas transportation system.
The company reports that the average daily volume of gas pumped out of the USFs has amounted to 49 mcm.
According to Ukrainian Energy Minister Volodymyr Demchyshyn, Ukraine plans to buy about 11-13 bcm of gas in 2016, and the required volumes can be provided by the European suppliers.
In January 2016, Demchyshyn stated that the price of gas for Ukraine on the European markets had been reduced to $190 per 1,000 cubic meters, which was lower than the price offered by Russia`s energy giant Gazprom.

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