If the Moldovan authorities introduce import duties on Ukrainian dairy products to satisfy demands by that country`s dairy producers, Ukraine will have to address the World Trade Organization (WTO) with a complaint, and may also impose similar trade restrictions, according to the Ukrainian agriculture ministry.
”We, in turn, will take all steps with regard to our appeal to the WTO. If such a situation occurs, we will apply those measures that have been imposed against the Russian Federation. If Moldova introduces measures that go beyond the WTO framework, we will need to take retaliatory measures, and they may apply not only to those groups [of products], as we consider [Moldova`s] actions hostile,” Ukrainian Minister of Agricultural Policy and Food Oleksiy Pavlenko said at a meeting with the European Business Association.
The minister also stated that the Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Ministry was dealing with the issue. Ukraine would consider the introduction of the above-mentioned measures only if the Foreign Affairs Ministry failed to find common ground with competent authorities in Moldova regarding trading terms.
Moldovan dairy producers are said to be concerned about the influx of Ukrainian dairy products on Moldova`s market and have appealed to the country`s authorities to take legislative efforts aimed at protecting the domestic market from Ukrainian imports, in particular, to introduce import duties that would make local products cheaper.
Last year Ukraine exported $214.4 million worth of dairy products. Moldova was one of the main sales markets for Ukrainian producers, with dairy product exports to the country being estimated at $17.2 million. Other major consumers were Kazakhstan ($25.9 million), Georgia ($13 million), Azerbaijan ($11.6 million), and Bangladesh ($10.9 million).