In connection with the May 9 celebrations in Russia, provocations or intensification of shelling by the Russian army are expected in Ukraine.
Source: Ministry of Defense of Ukraine spokesperson Oleksandr Motuzyanyk
“We understand that there is not much time left before this date. This forces us to be more vigilant in all directions, where there is not only fighting but also relative calm. That is, we expect some provocations or intensification of shelling by the Russian army,” Motuzyanyk said.
The spokesman said that Russia seeks to achieve certain results by May 9.
“Russia, even if it does not achieve its strategic goals, and it has not achieved them as of today – it can come up with these victories and show them on television. This is not a problem for them. Russia likes to hold parades. They have already held similar events in Donetsk, a parade of prisoners, or something else. I do not know more details about what they plan to do in Mariupol.”
See also: Russia wants to declare “victory” in eastern Ukraine by May 9 – US officials