What exactly is in bill H.R.5859: Ukraine won’t have the Major non-NATO ally status

On Thursday 11, 2014 the United States Senate passed the bill H.R.5859 “Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014”.

The Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko visited the USA in September. On that day the bill was approved by the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and agreed upon for over two-and-a-half months.

The final edition of the bill H.R.5859 “Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014″ that passed the House of Representatives on December 11 2014

During the voting procedure the text of the document was approved by each senator. Also all senators showed their support during a technical vote in the upper house and the bill received consentient support.
The document consists of 11 sections.

Full text of bill  H.R.5859

After the definitions of terms is the Statement of policy regarding Ukraine in which is said that the US in coordination with allies and partners will further assist the Government of Ukraine in restoring its sovereignty and territorial integrity by economic sanctions against the Russian Federation, diplomacy, assistance for the people of Ukraine, and the provision of military capabilities.

In the fourth section are described sanctions relating to the defense and energy sectors of the Russian Federation, such as sanctions relating to the defense sector, the energy sector, sanctions to a foreign person, exceptions, national security waiver, transaction-specific national security waiver, implementation, penalties and termination.

In section five there is the information about sanctions on Russian and other foreign financial institutions. It is about facilitation of certain defense- and energy-Related transactions and facilitation of financial transactions on behalf of specially designated nationals.

Section six is dedicated to the increasing of military assistance for the Government of Ukraine. It is detailing the anticipated defense articles, defense services, and training to be provided pursuant to this section for countering offensive weapons and reestablishing the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, including anti-tank and anti-armor weapons, crew weapons and ammunition, counter-artillery radars to identify and target artillery batteries, fire control, range finder, and optical and guidance and control equipment, tactical troop-operated surveillance drones, and secure command and communications equipment.

Section seven is about expanded nonmilitary assistance for Ukraine. By it the Secretary of State shall submit a plan, including actions by the United States Government, other governments, and international organizations, to meet the need for protection of and assistance for internally displaced persons in Ukraine.

Section eight describes the idea of the expanded broadcasting in countries of the former Soviet Union in order to counter Russian Federation propaganda.

In section nine we see how the US will provide support for Russian democracy and civil society organizations directly or through nongovernmental or international organizations

Section ten is the report on non-compliance by the Russian Federation of its obligations under the INF Treaty

In the end there is section eleven Rule of construction in which is said that nothing in this Act or an amendment made by this Act shall be construed as an authorization for the use of military force.

From the previous edition of the bill (S.2828)  was taken off Sec. 7. Major non-NATO ally status for Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova.
The Spokesperson for the United States Department of State Jen Psaki on December 12, 2014 gave Daily Press Briefing with the comments about Ukraine

MS. PSAKI: The situation, of course, remains fluid and we remain very concerned about the situation on the ground, and we continue to assess how best to support Ukraine. So we’re always evaluating our options, but nothing has changed as it relates to our focus, which is on the kind of assistance that we’ve already provided.

QUESTION: So no plans for any anti-tank weapons at the moment?

MS. PSAKI: Nothing has changed in that regard.

Actually she said that they remain very concerned about the situation on the ground, and continue to assess how best to support but no plans for any anti-tank weapons at the moment from the USA.

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