New EU sanctions against Russia. Full list

Today, on September 12 European Union announced new sanctions against Russia Federation (previous were announced on July 29).


– to provide technical assistance, brokering services or other services related to goods and technology set out in paragraph 1 and to the provision, manufacture, maintenance and use of these goods and technology, directly or indirectly to any person, entity or body in Russia, as listed in next list:

  1. JSC Sirius (optoelectronics for civil and military purposes)
  2. OJSC Stankoinstrument (mechanical engineering for civil and military purposes) OAO JSC Chemcomposite (materials for civil and military purposes)
  3. JSC Kalashnikov (small arms)
  4. JSC Tula Arms Plant (weapons systems)
  5. NPK Technologii Maschinostrojenija (ammunition)
  6. OAO Wysokototschnye Kompleksi (anti-aircraft and anti-tank systems) OAO Almaz Antey (state-owned enterprise; arms, ammunition, research)
  7. OAO NPO Bazalt (state-owned enterprise, production of machinery for the production of arms and ammunition)’.

– a legal person, entity or body established in Russia predominantly engaged and with major activities in the conception, production, sales or export of military equipment or services, as listed in Annex V, except legal persons, entities or bodies active in the space or the nuclear energy sectors:


A legal person, entity or body established in Russia, which are publicly controlled or with over 50 % public ownership and having estimated total assets of over 1 trillion Russian Roubles and whose estimated revenues originate for at least 50 % from the sale or transportation of crude oil or petroleum products, as listed in next list:






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Born in 1976 inDonetskAs of 7 August, he replaced Alexander Borodai as the so-called ‘Prime minister’ of the so-called‘Donetsk People’s Republic’. In taking on andacting in this capacity, Zakharchenko has supported actions and policies which under­ mine the territorial integrity, sovereignty
and independence of Ukraine.


Vladimir KONONOV/aka ‘Tsar’Born on 14.10.1974 in GorskyAs of 14 August, he replaced Igor Strelkov/ Girkin, as the so-called ‘Defence minister’ of the so-called ‘Donetsk
People’s Republic’. He has reportedly commanded a division of separatist fighters in Donetsk since April and has promised to
solve the strategic task of repelling Ukraine’s military aggression. Konokov has therefore supported actions and policies which
undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.


Miroslav Vladimiro­vich RUDENKOМирослав
Владимирович Руденко
21.1.1983 in Debal­cevoCommander of the Donbass People’s Militia. He has inter alia stated that they will continue their fighting in the rest of the country.
Rudenko has therefore supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of


Gennadiy Nikolaio­vych TSYPKALOVГеннадий Николаевич
Born on 6.21.1973Replaced Marat Bashirov as so-called ‘Prime Minister’ of the so-called ‘Lugansk People’s Republic’. Previously
active in the militia Army of the Southeast. Tsyplakov has therefore supported actions and policies which under­ mine the
territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.


Andrey YurevichPINCHUK

Андрей Юрьевич


‘State security minister’ of the so-called‘Donetsk People’s Republic’. Associated with Vladimir Antyufeyev, who is responsible for the separatist
‘governmental’ activities of the so called ‘government of the Donetsk People’s Republic’. He has therefore
supported actions and policies which undermine the territorialintegrity, sovereignty and independence ofUkraine.


Oleg BEREZAОлег БЕРЕЗА‘Internal affairs minister’ of the so-called‘Donetsk People’s Republic’. Associated with Vladimir Antyufeyev, who is responsible for the separatist
‘governmental’ activities of the so called ‘Government of the Donetsk People’sRepublic’. He has therefore supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and
independence of Ukraine.



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Andrei NikolaevichRODKIN

Андрей НиколаевичРодкин

Moscow Representative of the so called‘Donetsk People’s Republic’. In his statements, he has inter alia talked about the militias’ readi­ness to conduct a guerrilla war and theirseizure of weapon systems from the Ukrainian armed forces. He has therefore supported actions and policies which undermine the
terri­torial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.


Aleksandr KARAMANАлександр караман‘Deputy Prime Minister for Social Issues’ of the so called ‘Donetsk People’s Republic’. Asso­ ciated with
Vladimir Antyufeyev, who is responsible for the separatist ‘governmental’ activities of the so called ‘Government of
the Donetsk People’s Republic’. He has therefore supported actions and policies which under­ mine the territorial integrity,
sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. Protégé of Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.


Georgiy L’vovichMURADOV

Георгий ЛьвовичМурадов

Born on 19.11.1954So called ‘Deputy Prime Minister’ of Crimea and Plenipotentiary Representative of Crimea to President Putin. Muradov has
played an im­ portant role in consolidating Russian institu­ tional control over Crimea since the illegal annexation. He has
therefore supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.
10.Mikhail SergeyevichSHEREMET

Михаил СергеевичШеремет

Born on 23.5.1971 in DzhankoySo called ‘First Deputy Prime Minister’ of Crimea. Sheremet played a key role in the orga­ nization and implementation
of the 16 March referendum in Crimea on unification with Russia. At the time of the referendum, Sher­ emet reportedly commanded
the pro-Moscow‘self-defense forces’ in Crimea. He has therefore supported actions and policies which under­ mine the territorial
integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.
11.Yuri LeonidovichVOROBIOV

Юрий ЛеонидовичВоробьев

Born on 2.2.1948 inKrasnoyarskDeputy Speaker of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation On 1 March 2014 Voro­ biov publicly supported in the Federation
Council the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine. He subsequently voted in favour of the related decree.



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12.Vladimir VolfovichZHIRINOVSKY

Владимир ВольфовичЖириновски

Born on 10.6.1964 in Eidelshtein, KasakhstanMember of the Council of the State Duma; leader of the LDPR party. He actively supported the use of Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine and
annexation of Crimea. He has actively called for the split of Ukraine. He signed on behalf of the LDPR party he chairs an agree­
ment with the so-called, ‘Donetsk People’s Republic’.
13.Vladimir Abdualiye­vich VASILYEVBorn on 11.8.1949 in KlinDeputy Speaker of the State Duma. On20 March 2014 he voted in favour of the draft Federal Constitutional Law ‘on the acceptance into the Russian Federation of the
Republic of Crimea and the formation within the RussianFederation of new federal subjects- the republic of Crimea and the City of Federal Status Sevas­ topol’.
14.Viktor PetrovichVODOLATSKY

Виктор ПетровичВодолацкий

Born on 19.8.1957 in Azov Region.Chairman (‘ataman’) of the Union of the Russian and Foreign Cossack Forces, and deputy of the State Duma. He supported the
annexation of Crimea and admitted that Russian Cossacks were actively engaged in the Ukrainian conf lict on the side of the Moscow-
backed separatists. On 20 March 2014 he voted in favour of the draft Federal Constitu­ tional Law ‘on the acceptance into
the Russian Federation of the Republic of Crimea and the formation within the Russian Federation of new federal subjects- the republic
of Crimea and the City of Federal Status Sevastopol’.
15.Leonid IvanovichKALASHNIKOV

Леонид ИвановичКалашников

Born on 6.8.1960 inStepnoy DvoretsFirst deputy Chairman of the Committee onForeign Affairs of the State Duma. On20 March 2014 he voted in favour of the draft Federal Constitutional Law ‘on the acceptance into the Russian Federation of the
Republic of Crimea and the formation within the Russian Federation of new federal subjects- the republicof Crimea and the City of Federal Status Sevas­topol’.
16.Vladimir Stepano­vich NIKITINBorn on 5.4.1948 inOpochkaFirst Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Relations with CIS Countries, Eurasian Integra­ tion and Links with Compatriots of the
State Duma. On 20 March 2014 he voted in favour of the draft Federal Constitutional Law ‘on the acceptance into the Russian
Federation of the Republic of Crimea and the formation within the Russian Federation of new federal subjects- the republic of Crimea
and the City of Federal Status Sevastopol’.



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17.Oleg VladimirovichLEBEDEV

Олег ВладимировичЛебедев

Born on 21.3.1964 in Orel/RudnyFirst Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Relations with CIS Countries, Eurasian Integra­ tion and Links with Compatriots of the
State Duma. On 20 March 2014 he voted in favour of the draft Federal Constitutional Law ‘on the acceptance into the Russian
Federation of the Republic of Crimea and the formation within the Russian Federation of new federal subjects- the republic of Crimea
and the City of Federal Status Sevastopol’.
18.Ivan IvanovichMELNIKOV

Иван ИвановичМельников

Born on 7.8.1950 inBogoroditskFirst Deputy Speaker, State Duma. On20 March 2014 he voted in favour of the draft Federal Constitutional Law ‘on the acceptance into the Russian Federation of the
Republic of Crimea and the formation within the RussianFederation of new federal subjects- the republic of Crimea and the City of Federal Status Sevas­ topol’.
19.Igor VladimirovichLEBEDEV

Игорь ВладимировичЛебедев

Born on 27.9.1972 in MoscowDeputy Speaker, State Duma. On 20 March2014 he voted in favour of the draft Federal Constitutional Law ‘on the acceptance into the Russian Federation of the Republic of
Crimeaand the formation within the Russian Federa­ tion of new federal subjects- the republic of Crimea and the City of Federal Status
Sevas­ topol’.
20.Nikolai Vladimiro­vich LEVICHEVНиколай Владимирович
Born on 28.5.1953 in PushkinDeputy Speaker, State Duma. On 20 March2014 he voted in favour of the draft FederalConstitutional Law ‘on the acceptance into theRussian Federation of the Republic of Crimea and the formation within the Russian Federa­ tion of new federal subjects- the
republic of Crimea and the City of Federal Status Sevas­ topol’.
21.Svetlana SergeevnaZHUROVA

Светлана СергеевнаЖурова

Born on 7.1.1972 inPavlov-on-the-NevaFirst Deputy Chairman of the Committee onForeign Affairs, State Duma. On 20 March2014 he voted in favour of the draft Federal Constitutional Law ‘on the acceptance into the Russian Federation of the Republic of
Crimea and the formation within the Russian Federa­ tion of new federal subjects- the republic of Crimea and the City of Federal
Status Sevas­topol’.
22.Aleksey VasilevichNAUMETSАлексей ВасильевичHаумецBorn on 11.2.1968Major-general of the Russian Army. He is the commander of the 76th airborne division which has been involved in the Russian military
presence on the territory of Ukraine, notably during the illegal annexation of Crimea.



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23.Sergey Viktorovich CHEMEZOVBorn on 20.8.1952 in CheremkhovoSergei Chemezov is one of President Putin’s known close associate, both were KGB officers posted in Dresden and he is a member of the
Supreme Council of ‘United Russia’. He is bene­ fiting from his links with the Russian President by being promoted to
senior positions in State- controlled firms. He chairs the Rostec conglom­ erate, the leading Russian state-controlled defence and
industrial manufacturing corpora­ tion. Further to a decision of the Russian government, Technopromexport, a subsidiaryof Rostec, is planning to build energy plants inCrimea thereby supporting its integration into the Russian Federation.Furthermore, Rosoboronexport, a subsidiary of Rostec, has supported the integration of Crimean defence companies into Russia’s defence
industry, thereby consolidating the illegal annexation of Crimea into the Russian Federation.
24.Alexander Mikhailo­vich BABAKOVAлександрМихайлович БабаковBorn on 8.2.1963 inChisinauState Duma Deputy, Chair of the State Duma Commission on Legislative Provisions for Development of the Military-Industrial Complex of the
Russian Federation. He is a prominent member of ‘United Russia’ and abusinessman with heavy investments in Ukraine and in Crimea.On the 20 March 2014 he voted in favour of the draft Federal Constitutional Law ‘on the acceptance into the Russian Federation of the
Republic of Crimea and the formation within the Russian Federation of new federal subjects— the Republic of Crimea and the city of federal status of Sevastopol’.
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