Press about Ukraine in Europe. SEP 29, 2015

Reuters (The United Kingdom) : Ukraine leader mocks Russia’s call for anti-terrorism coalition

Reuters (The United Kingdom) : Ukraine, rebels agree to broaden weapons withdrawal

The Telegraph (The United Kingdom) : ‘Rebels sold me to Russia’, says Ukrainian poilot Nadia Savchenko in first testimony

European Voice (EU) : Pentagon’s top Russia official resigns

The Guardian (The United Kingdom) : Ukraine president accuses Russia of ‘hybrid war’ in speech to UN

Euronews (France) : Rival trials held in Russia and Ukraine

The Guardian (The United Kingdom) : Ukrainian pilot: ‘I was kidnapped by separatists and taken to Russia’

BelTA (Belarus) : Bellesbumprom enterprises export 60% of output

Charter97 (Belarus) : One third of goods in LNR shop is from Belarus

Sky News (The United Kingdom) : Ukraine Pilot: I Was Kidnapped By Russians

The Telegraph (The United Kingdom) : Ukraine president to hit back at Putin at UN summit as Obama meets Castro: live

InSerbia (Serbia) : UN: Over 8,000 Killed, 1.5 million displaced in Ukraine Crisis

Daily Mail (The United Kingdom) : The truth of the ‘forgotten’ children caught in Vladimir Putin’s war with Ukraine 

NL Times (The Netherlands) : More remains collected at MH17 site return to Netherlands

NL Times (The Netherlands) : NOS loses out on International Emmy for MH17 ceremony

BelTA (Belarus) : Ten CEC chairpersons from CIS, Baltics and Georgia to monitor Belarus president election

BelTA (Belarus) : Ten CEC chairpersons from CIS, Baltics and Georgia to monitor Belarus president election

Charter97 (Belarus) : Russia closes its airspace for Ukrainian airlines from Oct 25

Reuters (The United Kingdom) : Ukrainian Railways sanctions Russian cargo operator

Reuters (The United Kingdom) : Russia establishes seaborne lifeline for Syrian allies

Daily Mail (The United Kingdom) : The creepiest ghost towns that you can still visit

Global Voices (The Netherlands) : When Online Kremlin Propaganda Leaves the Web, It Looks Like This

Novinite (Bulgaria) : Russia to Close Airspace to All Ukrainian Planes on October 25 in Retaliation to Ban

euro|topics (EU) : Russia once more a force to be reckoned with | Tages-Anzeiger – Switzerland

euro|topics (EU) : Moscow can deal with crisis situations | Večernji List – Croatia

BBC (The United Kingdom) : ‘Elite Russian troops’ in Ukraine trial

B92 (Serbia) : Russia to close airspace to all Ukrainian air carriers

The Telegraph (The United Kingdom) : Trial opens of two alleged Russian soldiers captured in eastern Ukraine

EUobserver (EU) : US to work with Russia on Syria, defends Ukraine sanctions

Polskie Radio dla Zagranicy (Poland) : Polish PM promises repatriation of Poles from the east

Novinite (Bulgaria) : Putin, Obama Hold Constructive, Frank Talks on Syria, Ukraine

Protothema (Greece) : Free gas to bikini wearing customers (pics+vid)

Global Voices (The Netherlands) : Kazakhstani Textbooks Send Local Patriots and Ukraine into a Tantrum (Clue: It’s about Crimea)

European Voice (EU) : Let Czar Putin overextend himself

European Voice (EU) : Putin’s new world order

BBC (The United Kingdom) : VIDEO: Donetsk’s street artist

European Voice (EU) : Obama and Putin: That was awkward

European Voice (EU) : The West’s ominous ‘Ukraine fatigue’

Inter Press Service (Italy) : ‘Why is it Easier to Find Money to Destroy People than Protect Them?’ Asks U.N. Chief

RTÉ News (Ireland) : Obama and Putin discuss Ukraine and Syria

The Telegraph (The United Kingdom) : Putin and Obama exchange barbs on Ukraine

European Voice (EU) : Russia plays the Polish history card

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