Press about Ukraine in Europe. OCT 23, 2015

České Noviny (Czech Republic) : Czech World War Two veteran Singer dies aged 101

The Guardian (The United Kingdom) : Forced out: Darth Vader replaces Lenin statue in Ukraine

Deutsche Welle (Germany) : The silent secession of eastern Ukraine

The Guardian (The United Kingdom) : The force awakens (in Ukraine): Darth Vader statue replaces Lenin monument

euro|topics (EU) : Juncker putting Crimea annexation behind him | Contributors – Romania

New Statesman (The United Kingdom) : I wanted to believe in Jeremy Corbyn. But I can’t believe in Seumas Milne

BBC (The United Kingdom) : Lenin given Darth Vader makeover

Reuters (The United Kingdom) : Merkel says wants good economic ties with Ukraine and Russia

LSM.LV (Latvia) : Media watchdog fines PBK television for pro-Kremlin bias

European Voice (EU) : The 10 faces of Poland’s election

Deutsche Welle (Germany) : Ukraine: Forget about corruption – invest!

European Voice (EU) : Fear and family values in Putin’s Russia

BBC (The United Kingdom) : Ukraine guns fall silent but conflict remains

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