The US Vice President condemned the announcement by pro-Russian separatists of plans to hold elections in direct contravention of the Minsk agreements and Ukrainian law

Embassy of the United States Kyiv, Ukraine reports that the White House Office of the Vice President published Readout of the US Vice President’s Call with Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk on July 2, 2015.

US Vice President Joe Biden discussed with Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk the reform process in Ukraine:

“Vice President Joe Biden spoke today with Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk. The two leaders discussed Ukraine’s reform agenda and the U.S.-Ukraine Business Forum on July 13th in Washington, DC. The Vice President welcomed the advancement of the constitutional reform process in Ukraine as a means to bring about meaningful decentralization of power in keeping with the Minsk agreements,” states the US White House Office of the Vice President.

The US Vice President and Ukrainian Prime Minister talked about the violation of the Minsk Agreements by pro-Russian terrorists in Eastern Ukraine:

“The Vice President and Prime Minister also discussed the situation in the east and deeply regretted the numerous civilian casualties that have resulted from the continued shelling of the coastal city of Shyrokine by combined Russian-separatist forces. In that regard, the two leaders welcomed the renewal of European Union sanctions on Russia until January 31, 2016 to impose costs for Russia’s aggression toward Ukraine and ensure its full compliance with the terms of the Minsk agreements. The Vice President also strongly condemned the announcement by separatist leaders of plans to hold elections on October 18th in direct contravention of the Minsk agreements and Ukrainian law.”

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