The Ukrainian court has seized the bank accounts of ex-MP Yuri Ivaniushchenko (a.k.a. Yura Yenakiyevskiy or Yura of Yenakievo in the criminal world, a personal friend and business partner of ex-president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych) worth over 72 million Swiss francs, upon the motion of the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) of Ukraine.
The PGO’s press office informs that Ukraine has initiated criminal proceedings against former MP Ivaniushchenko, within which he has been announced suspicion of embezzlement of another’s property and illegal enrichment on an especially large scale.
“Upon the motion of the Prosecutor General’s Office, January 19, 2015, the Ukrainian court seized the assets of Ivaniushchenko in amount of 72 million Swiss francs (USD 1.3 billion), kept on his bank accounts in Switzerland. The information has been confirmed by the Swiss Financial Intelligence Unit,” reads the statement.
The press service notes that soon the ruling of the investigating judge on seizure will be sent to the competent Swiss authorities to prevent withdrawal of these funds and enable confiscation of the funds in case of a guilty verdict.