European far right and pro-Russian politicians to visit Donbas

The researcher of the European extreme right Anton Shekhovtsov reports that European far right and pro-Russian politicians will go to the illegal pro-Russian terroristic republic in Donbas in Eastern Ukraine for a conference on 11-12 May 2015.

“European far right and pro-Russian politicians, on the initiative of Front National’s Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, go to Donbass to take part in the conference “Donbass: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” that will take place on 11-12 May 2015,”states A.Shekhovtsov

Among the participants from the representatives of European far-right parties there are also fake observers of the “referendum” in Crimea:

1. Jean-Luc Schaffhauser (far right, fake observer*, Front National, France).
2. Manuel Ochsenreiter (far right, fake observer, Zuerst! magazine, Germany).
3. Dragana Trifkovic (far right sympathiser, fake observer, Belgrade Centre of Strategic Research, Serbia).
4. Johan Backmann (Stalinist, fake observer, Finland).
5. Stevica Dedjanski (fake observer, Serbia).
6. Alain-Christian Fragny (far right, Bloc Identitaire, France).
7. Emmanuel Leroy (far right, Bloc Identitaire, France).
8. Alessandro Musolino (right-wing, fake observer, Forza Italia!, Italy).

* “Fake observer” means that this person took part in “monitoring” of the illegitimate and illegal “referendum” in Crimea ( and/or “parliamentary elections” in Donbass (”

By the way, on March 2015, Congress of European Nazi parties took place in St Petersburg, Russia.

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