Ukraine lowers in world economic freedom ranking

Ukraine ranks the 162nd in the updated version of the Index of Economic Freedom ranking.
It has been reported by the U.S. research think tank Heritage Foundation.
“Ukraine’s economic freedom score is 46.9, making its economy the 162nd freest in the 2015 Index. Its score is 2.4 points lower than last year, reflecting declines in eight of the 10 economic freedoms with especially grave deteriorations in property rights, the management of government spending, and investment freedom,” reads the report.
Among the freest world economies Hong Kong has been ranked the first, Singapore – the second, New Zealand – the third. USA ranks the 12th. As for the nearest Ukraine’s neighbors, Poland takes 42 points, Russia – 143, Belarus – 153. The last three states are Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea. The ranking covers 178 countries on the whole.
The Index of Economic Freedom is calculated annually by the Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation for most world countries since 1995. The Index of Economic Freedom is based on ten indices, which are assessed on a scale from 0 to 100, with 100 corresponding to the maximum freedom. In 2014, Ukraine ranked 155th.

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